After a growing number of Nepalese started residing in and around North West London, the Gurkha Welfare Society, UK (GWSUK) was established on 10th February, 2007. This organisation  is solely a non-profitable and non-political local community organisation which aims to preserve and promote Nepali cultures, traditions and its values among the society.

The 5th General Convention was held on 18th February 2017 and upon discussion with the members of the organisation, it was renamed as Gurkha Nepalese Welfare Society, UK (GNWS,UK)

Since its establishment, GNWS,UK have been working vigorously in achieving its aims and goals. In order to help achieve its aims, GNWSUK has  formed  Youth Club for young Nepalese youths. Furthermore, Senior Citizen Committee was also formed  on 2nd April 2017. 

The current committee members are doing the best to accomplish the duties and responsibilities for the organisation.

Jai Gurkha Nepalese Welfare Society, UK!